7,000 under 25’s with type 2 diabetes in England and Wales

GPs are already under considerable pressure. And now, according to Diabetes UK, they are also dealing with a huge increase in type 2 diabetes in children and young adults under 25.

According to recent figures from NHS Digital, diabetes prescriptions now cost the NHS over £1bn each year. Although type 2 diabetes can be hereditary, lifestyle choices, in particular diet, can play a huge role in both preventing and managing the disease.

But it’s not as simple as saying “Eat less sugar and fatty foods” – people need to be able track their diet accurately and work out what is best for them. Understanding the nutritional composition of the foods they are consuming and the impact this has on their health is key to this.

GPs and other health professionals need effective tools to support their patients and deal with the rapid increase in case load. myfood24 is an online diet tracking solution that was originally designed to be used for research into a wide range of health conditions such as diabetes and cancer and will soon be available for use in healthcare. myfood24 will allow GPs, dietitians and other health professionals to accurately track their patients dietary intake in real time against their nutritional goals, and provide easy to understand feedback graphs on a wide range of nutrients.

Mark Cade, a GP at a busy practice in Bradford commented “Current options for monitoring patient diets are either too laborious or not accurate enough for medical use. New tools like myfood24 will help health practitioners deal with the huge increase in caseload of patients with type 2 diabetes and other diet-related conditions.”

To try a free demo of the myfood24 diary, please click here.

If you’re interested in using myfood24 in a healthcare setting and would like to be kept up-to-date with our progress, please get in contact.

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