Simplified food diversity and monitoring

Exploring cultural foods from Around the World

McCance and Widdowson 7 (2019) primarily concentrates on cataloguing the foods commonly consumed in the Western diet. This database is quite extensive, listing a total of 3,334 distinct food items; however, it has a significant limitation that needs consideration. The majority of these foods in the database are rooted in the traditional Western diet, particularly from the United Kingdom.

This means the McCance and Widdowson 7 (2019) does not adequately represent the full range of foods and dishes enjoyed by the diverse population of the United Kingdom today; dishes that are influenced by the many cultures and ethnicities residing within the country.

Our aim is to advocate for nutritional analysis software and the associated databases to become more inclusive. We believe it is essential for these tools to encompass a broader range of foods, extending beyond the traditional Western diet. By doing so, we can ensure that these resources are more accessible and beneficial to individuals of all backgrounds and dietary preferences.


An inclusive


Nutritional software that caters to a diverse range of cultural diets



A database consisting of nearly 11,000 food items from around the world


We have an equal level of accuracy across all our databases

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the process

Aggregate dishes from online resources

Various online resources offer a vast collection of dishes and comprehensive information. Users can efficiently navigate through filters, spanning from continent-based cuisine down to specific countries, regions, and even cities. Importantly, the emphasis here is on presenting complete dishes rather than merely listing ingredients like some food composition tables, making it a valuable tool for those seeking culinary inspiration and guidance.

identify recipes from the web

Where possible, we use “local” recipes for greater authenticity. We also draw upon established Food Composition Databases (FCDBs) such as the USDA for “simpler” dishes, ensuring a well-rounded and diverse range of options.

Calculating Nutritional Information

We begin by entering recipes into the myfood24 recipe builder, where we use MW7 to compute both the nutritional details and serving sizes. This information is then standardised to a per 100g basis before being incorporated into the database.

The result: A world foods database containing 10,947 dishes!

The Next Step

Discovering unusual Recipes

Whilst some recipes are incredibly localised and specific, deeply rooted in local traditions, they offer an opportunity for us to enrich our database with a wealth of authentic dishes. Although their distinctiveness can sometimes make them challenging to find online, we are committed to sourcing and sharing these unique recipes to provide our users with a comprehensive database of culturally diverse food dishes.

Same name. Different dishes

Certain dishes share the same name in various countries, for instance, “chips” in the UK refers to something completely different to that in the US. Whilst this might cause some confusion, it also offers an opportunity to explore how different cultures interpret the same dish.

Crisps and chips

Hear What Others Have to Say

Here’s What Some of Our Customers Think About myfood24

“From our experience, there is a strong need for such a tool in this country.”

Prof Dr Ute Nöthlings

Professor of Nutritional Epidemiology, University of Bonn

“I was like ooh I shouldn’t have eaten that or oh, I’ve had a really good day today.”

Research Participant

Gestational Diabetes Study

“I LOVE the dietary analysis section, it’s visually really nice to look at with graphs and bar charts.”


MSc Dietetics, Leeds Beckett

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